On May 25, the government of the United States issued its National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. Contained in this booklet is the following:

We call on Jewish civil society to intensify their activities and efforts to combat hate, discrimination, and bias faced by other communities. Local Jewish communities should join multi-faith, interracial, cross-class coalitions and campaigns.

Throughout American history, Baptists and Buddhists, Jews and Jains, Mormons and Muslims, Sikhs and Seventh-day Adventists, among many others, have stood together countless times to advance principles of justice, civil rights for all, and tikkun olam

This kind of multi-faith cooperation … must be expanded and strengthened… government can play a … role. …

USDA will convene a dialogue with religious leaders from across rural America … centered on building solidarity across faiths. …

VA will expand its chaplain partnership with Jewish, Muslim, and other chaplain associations and facilitate local multi-faith partnerships among chaplains of diverse faiths. …

HHS will work with chaplains to promote and expand multi-faith partnerships in healthcare settings. …

AmeriCorps will encourage multi-faith service projects for its 9/11 Day of Service. Through these service projects, Americans of different religions will have the opportunity to increase understanding and work together …

We call on Members of Congress of different faith affiliations to continue and expand efforts to come together across religions …

We encourage youth groups from a diverse range of religious communities to develop and incorporate multi-faith social activities, service events, and educational programming into their curricula.

Since the U.S. government has decided to, with this and many other policies, publicly show its devotion to Satan, and because it routinely calls Christianity “unacceptable,” therefore it is clear that no Christian may follow these impious, tyrannical demands without ceasing to be a Christian. So may all who are in a position to receive these demands consider the words of Joshua: “if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve… But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” And if you decide to “serve the LORD,” then you will certainly apply the Word of the apostle: “Avoid them,” to these harbingers of the devil’s will.


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