A political paper reports on the most recent wave (2017–2022) of the World Values Survey, which found the following:

The UK now ranks in the top four countries for considering divorce, abortion, euthanasia, suicide and casual sex justifiable. Swedes are the most liberal on divorce and abortion, Germans on euthanasia and the French on suicide. While 48% of Australians think casual sex is justifiable, only 1% of Chinese people agree. Nigerians are the least accepting of homosexuality and divorce; Egyptians oppose abortion and suicide most; and only 1% of South Koreans think prostitution is justifiable, compared with more than a quarter of Australians.…

“What were once pressing moral concerns – things like homosexuality, divorce and casual sex – have become simple facts of life for much of the public,” said Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute. “This mostly isn’t just driven by younger generations replacing older generations. All generations have changed their views significantly.”…

In 2021, divorce rates in England and Wales hit their highest level since 2014…

Abortion providers have reported being “busier than ever”, and NHS England has reported increased demand.…

One issue on which the UK remains mid-table is the death penalty, with 55% of people considering it justifiable or potentially justifiable.…

The number of people considering suicide justifiable also increased in the UK at the highest rate seen since the global study began in 1981. It appears to have been driven up in part by generation Z (born since 1996), a third of whom think suicide is justifiable – far higher than all other UK generations and double the number among baby boomers (born between 1945 and 1965).

All generations, including those born before the second world war, are becoming increasingly likely to consider suicide justifiable, although across the whole population most do not.…

Duffy said generation Z’s acceptance of suicide “could simply be a sign of an increasingly tolerant society and a cohort of young that better understands and engages on mental health issues”. [Of course, the Christians know the true source of the acceptance of this most wicked abomination — Europe has, in the aftermath of its partnership with the godless Marxists, become openly atheistic, although the so-called cultural Christianity kept (if weakly) the forces of Satan at bay for a time.] He added that while there had not been significant increases in suicide rates among the young [God be praised!], there had been an increase in suicide attempts and self-harming behaviours.

The growth in acceptance of euthanasia continues in the UK despite its continued criminalisation. Over the last 25 years, acceptance has risen above attitudes in Canada, where some medically assisted dying has been legal since 2016. In the UK, 47% of people now think it is justifiable, up from 20% in 1981. But acceptance remains lower than in Germany and Australia. [This, unfortunately, is no surprise, for Satan has always had a particular fondness for spreading his wickedness first in the land where the Gospel was powerfully sent out against his apostle, that he might plunge the dear German people directly into the place prepared for his eternal punishment.]

As horrible as the findings of this study are, for which reason we must continually pray: “Come, Lord Jesus!” it is not the case that God has simply left His children to die at the hands of the devil; no, rather, the promoters of this wickedness themselves declare abortion, that sacrament of Satan, to be “a precarious and stigmatised part of UK healthcare,” and this mainly due to the actions of several U.S. states severely limiting or banning abortion. Therefore, let us not despair when looking at this apostate world, seeing that it wishes to rival the devil in its abominations, but rather let us glorify God, because He has put fear into the hearts of His enemies, who are rightly afraid, for He is slow to anger and great in power, and He will by no means clear the guilty; rather, He will keep wrath for His enemies, and pour out His wrath like fire. However, for we who fear the Lord, we for whose sake the world is preserved, He is a stronghold in these last days.


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