Last month, the Associated Press reported the following:

Top leaders in the Maryland General Assembly are expressing support for changing the state’s 2024 primary date, which is now scheduled to take place during a Jewish holiday.

House Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Bill Ferguson noted Monday in a joint statement that the date unintentionally coincides with Passover, which would prevent thousands of residents from voting.

Maryland’s primary, which is set by law, is now set for April 23.

The presiding officers said they will work with the Maryland State Board of Elections and local election officials “to find a more appropriate date.”

Del. Dalya Attar, a Baltimore Democrat, submitted legislation … that would allow the primary to be held on another day.

Let us now hear from our dear philo-Semites how untrue the “conspiracy theories” regarding Jewish domination in this country are. However, as long as I still draw breath, I will continue to oppose the Judaization of this land, which has been ongoing for more than a century now.


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