The Religion News Service reports the following:

This weekend, Jewish congregations gathering for Shabbat services will make sure American Jews know and understand the Jewish point of view on [abortion].

Across the country, at more than 1,200 synagogues, Jews will be discussing abortion and reproductive rights in sermons, lectures, talks and other forums Friday and Saturday (Feb. 17-18) as part of Repro Shabbat.…

Repro Shabbat is an effort to push back against the prevailing view that abortion is religiously forbidden and to shore up the Jewish belief that abortion is permissible and, on occasion, even required. The date of Repro Shabbat was intentionally chosen for the Torah reading recited in most synagogues each February from the 21st chapter of Exodus.

In that chapter, which addresses penalties for accidentally causing a woman to miscarry, the sentence for an induced miscarriage is financial. The loss of a fetus is not treated as manslaughter or murder because the fetus is not considered a person with full human rights until it is born. [This last sentence is clearly an unwarranted gloss, contradicting what Scripture says regarding children yet unborn.]

In post-biblical Jewish law, such as the Mishnah and the Talmud [for a truly Christian judgment on the Jewish Talmud, see Luther’s books On the Jews and their Lies, On the Schem Hamphoras and the Lineage of Christ, and his Genesis commentary], rabbis further stipulated that the life of the pregnant person takes precedence over the life of the fetus, up until a baby’s first breath.

A poll of Jewish voters prior to the November 2020 midterm election found that 82% of Jewish registered voters disapproved of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Supreme Court ruling, which found the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. An earlier Pew Research poll found that 83% of American Jews favor keeping abortion legal in all or most cases. [This certainly comes as no surprise to any Christian who reads and understands what Scripture says regarding Israel according to the flesh, calling them stiff-necked murderers of Christ and the prophets, uncircumcised in heart and ears, children of the devil, etc.]…

At least three lawsuits have been filed by Jewish groups in Kentucky, Florida and Indiana, arguing that state abortion bans infringe on their religious freedom by imposing a Christian understanding of when life begins. [Incidentally, it appears that our American Jews — unlike many Christians — are under no delusions regarding supposed Judeo-Christian values.]

“This idea that one religion is dictating the conversation — and making it look like those that don’t agree with their stance aren’t moral — is ridiculous,” said Heidi Tyson, president of Judea Reform Congregation in Durham, North Carolina. “We need to educate folks that that’s not the case.” [Behold! the great morality of our American Jews: the murder of children is as little a sin as the murder of Christ!]

Judea Reform is participating in Repro Shabbat with a guest speaker who will give the sermon on reproductive rights, followed by a reception. The congregation’s board of trustees will soon consider a formal statement on abortion rights. It has also encouraged members to donate to Carolina Abortion Fund, which provides financial and emotional support to people in North and South Carolina trying to access abortion.

In Massachusetts, some three dozen synagogues are participating in Repro Shabbat individually and coming together online Saturday evening for a service that will provide information on ways to get involved in the fight for greater abortion rights.

“We’re giving people avenues so they can acknowledge the setbacks but keep going and make a path forward,” said Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch of Temple Anshe Amunim in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, who will lead the online service.

In St. Louis, some Jewish congregations have partnered with abortion clinics across the Missouri state line in Illinois to provide clothing, feminine hygiene products and snacks to women traveling out of state for an abortion.

Taking all of this into account, it should be clear to the reader that the writings of Martin Luther against these Teufelskinder were entirely Christian. If these creatures are not afraid to announce their religious support for the murder of children — which they used to hide even under great torture — why should we be surprised that they curse us in their prayers? And why should we be surprised that these murderers of children have been everywhere accused of the most heinous crimes imaginable, ones that are explicitly allowed in their most unholy Talmud? And should this kind of people be tolerated anywhere on earth? Should not even a heathen ruler rather remove them from the land? But no, denying the legitimacy of Jewish mysticism is certainly the most wicked crime one may commit, one which, if it doesn’t send you to hell, may at least send you to prison.


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