On February 14, Michigan Representative and House Majority Whip Ranjeev Puri sent out a statement “on the Michigan State University Shooting.” In this statement there is this most dignifying introduction: “Fuck your thoughts and prayers.” And after this statement, the representative’s rhetoric must certainly be respected, with which he would attempt to gain support for the further restriction of firearms in the United States.

Somewhat surprisingly, this damned politician, in this same statement, attempts to portray himself as being on the side of believers, saying, “We will not stop until … our communities can attend places of worship in peace.” However, those who, following their Master’s command, are “wise as serpents” will immediately recognize this feigned concern to be just that, for anyone who can call prayer “meaningless,” as our dear blasphemer of Michigan does, is certainly not concerned about the safety of Christians.

Because of this and other, greater abominations (for which the Lord is certainly full of wrath), let us pray that the Lord would not destroy this country on account of its wickedness, but would look upon the Christians still present here, and for their sake would also fulfill the saying of Isaiah in our day: “Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who wait for Me shall not be put to shame” (Is. 49).


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