On the first day of this year, the Roman Pope, in order to further his kingdom, gave a homily pretending to honor the Virgin Mary by promoting all Papal idolatry associated with her. In order that any who might read this may be protected against this, seeing these papal honors for what they actually are, I present here excerpts from this most abominable sermon:

Holy Mother of God! Many books and weighty tomes have been written about this title of Our Lady. Yet these words have mostly entered the minds and hearts of the holy People of God through the simple and familiar prayer that accompanies the rhythm of our days, our moments of weariness and our greatest aspirations: the Hail Mary. After a few phrases drawn from the word of God, the second part of the prayer continues: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners…” This invocation, often repeated throughout the day, has allowed God to draw near, through Mary, to our lives and our history. [Of course this Babylonian whore replaces the greatest displeasure, the wrath of God, with His gracious presence — but he must first attribute this ability to his pseudo-Mary.] Mother of God, pray for us sinners… It is recited in the most diverse languages, on the beads of a rosary and at times of need [as opposed to the Lord’s Prayer, which, unlike this ungodly invocation, Christ commends to His Church], in the presence of a holy image or walking along the way. To this invocation the Mother of God always responds; she hears our petitions; holding her Son in her arms, she blesses us and brings us the tender love of God made flesh. In a word, Mary gives us hope. [Not God, but His mother gives hope to the church — not the Christian Church, which the Pope despises, but the Papal church, composed of those who lie about belonging to the Israel of God.] At the beginning of this year, we need hope, just as the earth needs rain. This year that opens with the celebration of God’s Mother and our own, tells us that the key to hope is Mary and that the antiphon of hope is the invocation, Holy Mother of God. [Again, this false prophet will do anything to avoid the proper invocation of God. And this is most fitting, for he only ever invokes Satan; therefore one must pray: Lord Christ, throw this damned apostle of Satan into the lake of fire at Your coming; and may this happen soon, for the prayer of a righteous person has great power, and certainly the destruction of Antichrist — which You have promised — is not contrary to Your most holy will. Amen. Come Lord Jesus.] And today, we entrust beloved Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to our Most Holy Mother, that she will accompany him on his journey from this world to God. [Pope Benedict XVI is most certainly not on a journey to God. However, I am certain that he is experiencing the punishment of eternal destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His might, as befits all true popes.]

Let us pray to our Mother in a special way for her sons and daughters who are suffering and no longer have the strength to pray, and for our many brothers and sisters throughout the world who are victims of war, passing these holidays in darkness and cold, in poverty and fear, immersed in violence and indifference! For all those who have no peace, let us invoke Mary, the woman who brought into the world the Prince of peace (cf. Is 9:6; Gal 4:4). [In this paragraph, the false Christ would tempt Christ’s children under the Papacy to idolatry with the example of the weak, suffering, poor masses which all Christians pray for. Thus one sees how wicked this man of sin must be, and the lengths to which he would go to preserve his antichristian rule.]…

And now, brothers and sisters, I invite all of you to look to the Virgin Mary. Let us invoke her three times, as the people of Ephesus did: Holy Mother of God! Holy Mother of God! Holy Mother of God! [Rather, before He would allow even one soul to invoke the Blessed Virgin, may our heavenly Father rather cut their tongues out! That this does not happen is due only to His incomprehensible mercy.]


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